Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How did all these game characters get so freakin' precocious?

Certain people in their 20s have a vibrant, ambitious air – just out of college, on the bottom rung of the career ladder, but full of the confidence and energy needed to climb higher. I'm 25, and still in college, but I've got my goals in motion and I'm fully stoked on living forever, lighting up the sky like a flame, etc. What I mean is, I don't hate myself too much. In fact, I feel pretty good!

But good old Phoenix Wright and Trauma Center are kind of making me feel like a slug with a minor case of retarditis. These are worlds where young, stripling Dougie Houser legends are the norm, not the exception. All these district attorneys and lauded surgeons are a few years younger than I am, and I am by no means even half old.

Look at Phoenix Wright – he and his semi-rival attorney, Miles Edgeworth, are barely old enough to go to a bar for sloe gin fizzes after a hard day in the courtroom. And Edgeworth already holds the second highest prosecuting position in his district. Dr. Stiles, star surgeon of Trauma Center, is (IIRC) 21. Did he start college at age 16? Even then, that's cutting it close to get through med school by age 21, if that's even possible. What is this fantasyland where I'm already an old maid?

I know this is videogame fiction. In real life, surgeons don't have the magic ability to slow time by drawing a star in the air. In real life, spirit mediums aren't decisive witnesses. (Well, actually, that's not always true.) But in real life, star lawyers are definitely not too young to be able to rent a car! And, real life or not, I spend a lot of time with these video games. A lot of time that kind of makes me feel..."special."

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